Frequently Asked Questions
Receiving Food
What is needed to qualify to receive food from Fondy Food Pantry (FFP)?
Any person who comes to the FFP will receive food on their first visit. To qualify as a regular client, household members must be residents of Fond du Lac County. Clients will be asked to share basic information including estimated household income (no documentation required) and proof of address.
What documentation is needed to receive food?
Clients are required to provide ID and proof of address for the head of household, and provide ID for each additional member of the household. Clients must provide documentation for all household members by their third visit to the pantry.
State ID card
Address Verification:
Individuals who are new clients of the pantry should register in advance via FFP’s online form, making sure to complete information for each member in the household. Please note any dietary restrictions or allergies.
Are clients able to receive food from FFP if they don’t live in Fond du Lac County?
Individuals that are not residents of FDL County will receive food only on the first visit. FFP is able to provide clients with information about food pantries in their home area.
Who is eligible to receive food via the FFP delivery program?
Home deliveries are intended for persons who are disabled and are not able to come in to the pantry to shop. Clients who have available transportation allowing them access to the pantry are not eligible for delivery service.
Are clients able to receive food more than once per month?
Clients are able to receive food from the pantry two times per month.
Does the pantry close in bad weather?
If the Fond du Lac School District is closed for the day due to weather conditions, Fondy Food Pantry will also be closed. This does not apply in the case of delayed school starts. Closures will be posted on FFP’s website and also on Facebook.
What are the TEFAP Eligibility Requirement Changes (Effective Oct. 1, 2024)?
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services recently announced changes to The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) eligibility requirements that will go into effect on October 1, 2024. It includes eliminating ID and address documentation and removing service area restrictions. These changes are only applicable to accessing TEFAP commodities. Pantries may implement different eligibility requirements such as a limited-service area for items that are sourced outside of the TEFAP program.
While 93% of FFP’s clients are eligible for TEFAP, these commodities are only 7% of FFP’s total food inventory. We are in the process of determining how we will adapt our registration and food distribution procedures to meet both the goals of equal and easy access to TEFAP commodities and ensure that donated and purchased food are made available to clients who meet our registration criteria and live within Fond du Lac County.
Offering Donations
How can individuals help the pantry provide food for people?
- Offering monetary donation – FFP works with suppliers that offer special pricing for pantries
- Organizing or contributing to food drives through a church, neighborhood or other organizations
- Donating specific items – like laundry soap, coffee, toothpaste, personal hygiene products
What are the items most needed for food drives or contributions?
To donate items to youth in the Food for Thought program, check the list on this website under Our Work>Food for Thought. For general pantry donations, items may be found at Take Action>Donate Food. Individuals may also check the FFP Facebook page to find the items most at need at any given time.
What items should NOT be brought to the pantry?
- Any food items that have been opened
- Any food items that are past their sell-by date
- Any food items that require refrigeration
- Any items that have been frozen
- Any food items that have not been professionally processed and packaged
- Clothing or household items
Have a garden providing an overabundance of produce?
FFP clients look forward to receiving fresh produce from the pantry. Because fresh items may easily spoil, please contact the office at (920) 322-0369 to confirm a time to deliver clean, fresh produce to the pantry.
How do people drop off food contributions if no pantry volunteers are on site?
FFP offers a large white donation bin located on the north side of the building (facing the Radisson Hotel), and non-perishable donations may be place inside. If delivering perishable items or large donations, please contact the office at (920) 322-0369 to schedule a time to drop off.
Who can volunteer at the pantry? What is the best way to sign up?
We welcome new volunteers to assist serving our community!
Potential volunteers should be at least 18 years of age. After completing the application form and passing a background check, FFP’s volunteer coordinator will make contact to review the application and schedule an introductory meeting and tour of the pantry. Please note that most volunteer positions require periods of standing, movement and the ability to lift.